The marxist political conception as an evidence of the unfalsifiable character of the marxist theory of the history

La concepción política marxista como evidencia del carácter infalsable de la teoría marxista de la historia


Luis Gallardo Vera

The historical diatribe Marx/Bakunin has a theoretical background. On this background emerges the evidence of the failure of marxist ideas to explain the socio-historical dynamics. Normally, this diatribe has been studied in the context of the beginning of the socialism and only from the historical point of view. This article shows that the marxist conception of the state evidences the unfalsifiable character of the marxist theory of social change in the historical dynamics. The hypothesis is that, if Marx was unable to respond rightly to the criticism of Bakunin about the marxist concept of the State, was because the marxist theory of the history is unfalsifiable. To obtain the data necessary to test the hypothesis a methodological strategy of documentary research, qualitative analysis of content and analysis of qualitative data were used. The data to prove materially the hypothesis were a priori. The inference that proved formally the hypothesis was the logic rule Introduction of the Conditional.



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