Current trends of the concept of solidarity

Tendencias actuales del concepto de solidaridad


Patricia Posso R.

By listening to students and teachers speak of solidarity in modern times, it is observed that there is a lot of ambiguity, vagueness about it sometimes because the meanings refer interchangeably to cooperation, generosity, help, brotherhood, unity, support, identify with the need for another, among other uses which have led to a general use of the term mechanical and simplistic. Although staging the connotation of the concept seems alien to the interests of contemporary society, it is important to investigate one of the values to practice squad, which most often is manipulated or debased by the media. To this end, we develop a research on the concept of solidarity through the development of a state of the art, as a form of appropriation of knowledge, which aims to provide a different look to the subject matter, given that in recent years, this concept has been treated almost exclusively by the solidarity economy, so do it is chosen from an interdisciplinary perspective between ethics, sociology and legal sciences. As a result of research presents the current trends of the concept, aimed at understanding the use and meaning of work in today's society.



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Author Biography / See

Patricia Posso R.

Socióloga. Especialista en docencia universitaria. Maestría en Ciencias Políticas. Docente investigadora UCC. 

References / See

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